+967 770 180 837


Yemen Mission Foundation (YMF) is a Yemen registered Charity and NGO established in 2006, by Rev. Victor Ebenezer Samuel with an aim to make a difference to the lives of those afflicted by poverty and other sufferings.The dedicated philanthropist and visionary Rev .Victor Ebenezer Samuel, launched this humanitarian initiative and is being carried forward along with his team, through unique grass root level endeavors.

Despite limited resources, the determination and commitment was such that,shortly after its official launch, the team played its significant role in the deliverance of assistance to the needy. The spiritual enlightenmentof the team and the blessings of the Almighty, lightens our path all through these long journey.Characterized by its involvement and ability to help out the distressed and the disabled, the team extends support and assistance onhumanitarian issues, takes up orientation & motivational initiatives and also do conduct many training programmes. The team successfully giving out Food and Shelter for many a desperate destitute.

Many programmes are being taken up for the shelter and caring of refugees and the diseased.

The team depends fully on the humble contributions of its' valuable members for the funding of its' activities. The team consists of Professionals, Technically skilled persons etc. from nationalities like Philippinos, Pakistanis, Cubans, Indians, Ethiopians and Koreans etc.

Even while extending humanitarian assistance to the public, YMF has always been keen, in taking up the issues of the Foreign nationals here in Yemen. YMF has fought for the rights and the contractual obligations of various categories of the Expatriates, with the respected Ministries. By GOD's grace, YMF has succeeded on all these occasions. We have been helping the Foreign nationals on their arrival to this land also, especially to complete the Visa formalities, to meet the placement requirements, accommodation etc.

Rev. Victor Ebenezer Samuel, our chief has been very compassionate to receive the complaint from Mrs. Milton AnjalaDevi, the poor Srilankan National Housemaid and assured the assistance wholeheartedly. He extended accommodation, food etc. to this aged lady. As mentioned in her complaint, she was being ill-treated by her Employer. On the 25th of April 2017, while YMF received the complaint from her, she was not getting her Salaries from 2013 onwards. She wanted to travel back to the native. When she demanded to have the Passport, the Air Ticket and the Dues, she had been threatened by the Employer. On that miserable plight of this poor lady, Rev. Victor Ebenezer Samuel and his organization YMF, submitted the complaint before the concerned authority at the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Honorable Ambassador H.E.Mr. Ahmed Omar, who is looking after the grievances of the foreign nationals.

H.E. Mr. Ahmed Omar, was kind enough to make a meaning intervention on this issue. He contacted the Employer immediately. Instructions were given to settle this issue amicably and to provide Mrs. Milton Anjaladevi with her Benefits, Passport and the Air Ticket as per her Complaint. Since it was Holy Ramadan time, Mr. Ahmed Omar had to contact the Employers on night time. In spite of his instructions for as long as 2 months' time, the solution of the issue was not happening. Every time, the employer gave excuses after excuses and dragged up the issue.

Fed up with the same, YMF decided to fight the Case in the Judicial court. An efficient Advocate, Mr. Nabil, Yemeni National was given advocacy to plea the case. The Advocate very efficiently presented the Case before the Honorable Court. The Employer didn’t attend the Court hearing for 2 times, in spite of the Summons. On the Third time, the Employer appeared since the Court informed about taking him forcefully.

The Honorable court detailed about the request of Mrs. Anjaladevi. Also instructed to settle the issue. The appeared person from the Employer side, requested time in order to discuss with others. Then the Court had been on holidays for the Eid. The Court resumed functioning, YMF followed up without omission. The Court proceedings went on.

An interim order was given by the Honorable court, specifying time limits for the settling, especially the salary dues.

The Employer gave the first installment of the Salary dues. It gave the YMF team very happy moments of satisfaction, since it was achieved through the struggling.

Even though, the court order was there, the Employer delayed the payment dues and YMF had to make use of the influence of the higher Judicial official to pressurize the Employer. H.E. Mr. Ahmed Omar also had to talk again to the Employer.

Finally he paid the rest of the Salary amount in another 2 installments. Then the Air Tickets also were handed over to Mrs. Milton Anjaladevi.It was agreed to hand over the Exit stamped Passport at Aden airport, as the stamping was to be made at Aden Immigration office.

The Employer took the responsibility to arrange the local transportation for Mrs. Milton Anjaladevi to the Aden airport, since it was combined with the legal constraint of traveling without the Passport at hand.

On 10th of February 2018, Mrs. Milton Anjaladevi boarded flight to her native place.

YMF team thanking GOD for the blessings on their very determined efforts, which in turn succeeded in helping out a poor aged lady from her sufferings - to obtain her wages and to travel safely to her native place.

Yemen Mission Team